Alan Wofsy Fine Arts

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Chung cư Viglacera Đại Phúc would like to introduce Alan Wofsy Fine Arts, a renowned art publication from Berkeley. This article will delve into the significance of one of their masterpieces, specifically a drawing featuring Manjushri, the Bodhisatva of Wisdom in Buddhism.

The Enlightened Wisdom of Manjushri

Manjushri, with his enlightened wisdom, bestows intelligence, mastery of the Teaching, the power of exposition, eloquence, and memory. This beloved Bodhisatva is also the guardian and patron of astrologers. Notably, Manjushri’s presence is often sought by writers who seek assistance in their creative endeavors. It is customary for authors to begin their books with verses dedicated to Manjushri.

A Symbolic Triad

Manjushri frequently collaborates with Lord Maitreya. In some depictions, the two are joined by Gautama Buddha, forming a symbolic triad. Within this triad, Manjushri represents the wisdom aspect, while Maitreya embodies the Compassion aspect of Buddhist teachings. Together, they inspire and guide practitioners on their spiritual journeys.

Understanding Manjushri’s Symbolism

Manjushri’s name, derived from Sanskrit, translates to both “gentle glory” and “sweet glory”. He is also known as Manjughosha, meaning “sweet-voiced-one” or “gentle-voiced-one”, and Vagishvara, which translates to “Lord of Speech”.

As a symbol of discriminating wisdom, Manjushri wields a sword to vanquish ignorance. This sword represents quick detachment and enlightened will. In Buddhist art, Manjushri is often depicted as a beautiful 16-year-old prince, holding a blue lotus blossom in his left hand. Resting upon the blossom is one of the Prajnaparamita scriptures, which focuses on the realization of Prajna, or wisdom. In his right hand, Manjushri brandishes a flaming sword of wisdom, striking down ignorance.

Unlocking Manjushri’s Bija and Mantra

The bija, or seed syllable, of Manjushri is “DHIH”. Within this concise syllable lies the essence of a cosmic being. Chanting Manjushri’s mantra, “OM AH RA PA TSA NA DHIH”, can help cultivate wisdom, memory, and an understanding of the scriptures. Tibetan tradition suggests reciting this mantra 100, 21, or at least 7 times. During the final repetition, the syllable “DHIH” should be repeated as many times as possible.

Let’s explore the meaning behind each syllable of the mantra:

  1. OM: This sacred syllable originates from Hinduism but holds significance in multiple religious traditions. It is believed that the Islamic “Amin” and Christian “Amen” are both derived from this syllable.

  2. AH: Represents direct understanding of the nature of phenomena.

  3. RA: Signifies the understanding of emptiness from the Hinayana point of view. These teachings are suitable for practitioners who struggle with comprehending emptiness in its ultimate nature.

  4. PA: Represents meditation, encompassing both non-conceptual and conceptual forms.

  5. TSA: Symbolizes the importance of nirvana and samsara. Emptiness is the underlying nature of both, but understanding the significance of samsara is essential in acknowledging its threefold suffering.

  6. NA: Represents karma and serves as a reminder that our experiences of suffering or happiness are the result of our past actions. Understanding the concept of karma empowers us to sow the seeds of positive actions for our future.

  7. DHI: Signifies the bija, or seed syllable, of Bodhisattva Manjushri. Chanting “DHI” 108 times allows the syllable to absorb into the “DHI” on a moon disk at one’s heart, illuminating brilliance. This visualization purifies negative karma, sickness, and obstacles, while enabling individuals to recognize the correct path.

The Journey to Enlightenment

The path to enlightenment involves three essential components: view, meditation, and fruition. The view helps us recognize the correct path, while meditation allows for an experiential understanding of this path. Finally, fruition grants us the happiness and courage that arises from accomplishing our virtuous intentions.

Alan Wofsy Fine Arts – Home to Masterpieces

Alan Wofsy Fine Arts showcases extraordinary works of art, inviting individuals to explore the realm of creativity and wisdom. Their collection provides a sanctuary for those seeking inspiration, whether they are writers, artists, or art enthusiasts.

Discover more at Chung cư Viglacera Đại Phúc, where beauty and wisdom converge.

Price: $75.00

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